Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goodbye USA

One day before I leave for Australia!
It's finally starting to hit me-the living room is covered with clothes, shoes, and everything else that will never fit into just 2 suitcases. This whole weekend has been pretty much a shopping frenzy to get last minute things because my internship at the aquarium just ended Friday.
Despite all the craziness over packing and trying to remember everything I'm getting really excited- I just got an invite today to a "Learn to Surf" daytrip during orientation to Lancelin, about an hour up the coast from Perth. After learning to surf you get to sandboard on the dunes of the beach...I didn't even know that was possible! So I youtubed it and here's a cool video:

It looks like there are a lot of daytrips planned during O-week so it should be really fun.
I finally switched my classes around today and I'm taking Environmental Politics, Contemporary Cultures and the Small Screen, and Country, Nature and Identity: Indigenous Sustainability. AND it worked out so I don't have any classes Monday or Wednesday- awesome.

I'm flying out Tuesday at 4:50pm (hopefully the snow holds off until then!!) to LAX (6 hours), taking the 18 hour flight to Sydney, then the 5 hour flight to Perth- with layover time its about 32 hours and skips a day so I get there on February 3rd. I'll start posting pictures and entries once I'm there!

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